We are Prisms of The Light
While a prism is a neutral medium that is transparent to wavelengths through which Light passes to bring into vision the colors of life, our mind - our heart, is our prism for projecting the internal, eternal Light of which is our Life, God. Our thoughts, which evoke actions, create our experiences and influence the experiences of those around us and in the world in general….as well as creating our very surroundings. These are the living colors we bring into world; you might say these are not only actions but, actually the attributes of our moment to moment selves.
The colors that are projected from this Light through the prism are entirely our free-will choice. If we are open and ready, we will project clear, pure colors every moment. We must also be aware that our thoughts, which evoke our moods and actions, change the colors shown through us, just as does the orientation of the prism for light reception.
Being aware of our own colors is vitally important, but equally important is how we project those colors to our fellows and the world around us. What we think, say and do literally creates our personal prism colors, therefore our immediate environment and the world. Proverbs 23:7 says ….”As a man thinks in his heart, so is he….” and so he acts, becomes and lives personally and with others as the condition of his heart allows.
The colors are countless from which our thoughts create. Distortion can occur, however, and sometimes our colors show through as cloudy, off-color or muted, like when illness occurs, or with sad and traumatic events.
The good thing is that within the blink of an eye, our colors can change to show our positive health, life and mindset and true heart.
One thought is all it takes! Either way, we are always in charge of what color we project and live at any given time.
Peace and Love,
Margie Owens Phillips
LifePrisms 2019
Margie Phillips
Margie is a prolific writer and poet in an eternal love affair with the Divine. Her work, both inspired and powerful , is inclusive of all and often the reader can experience the deep personal fire of Divine Love flickering deep within their own soul.
The purpose of her writings is to entreat the virtues of Hope, inspiration and thoughtfulness while providing a channel of Love for healing of soul, mind and body.
In 1976 she had a life change of infinite proportions. You can learn of her gripping story of change, healing and instant spiritual transformation here.