Symbols, Letters, Words and the Tongue
Since childhood I have loved words, spelling words and the letters that make them complete and then the meaning that comes forth. It always seems to me the word and how it is used in a sentence or used in conversation creates a different idea or reaction for each reader or hearer. Moreover, the impact those words leave in the space where the conversation or reading occurred is jarring, dynamic and world changing.
If we think about it, words are made of letters and letters are symbols that carry their own energy. For instance, in the Hebrew language, each letter of the alphabet has its own meaningful story and is powerful in its own standing. But, no matter what language is spoken, putting any of these letters together creates a harmonious word-thought or an inharmonious one.
Imagine that! Words – the letter-symbols that make them really do matter!
So where or how do these words arise? Our thoughts, of course! Our thoughts are symbols that are turned into creation, whether it is words, beautiful art, business transactions, sewing a dress or the other innumerable activities of life.
The manifestation of our world is ripe for the picking right now, right this minute via the thought-word-action we choose. This is reminiscent of the vital and life giving knowledge spoken by the Psalmist in Psalms 45:1,
“My heart is inditing (writing, composing) a good tongue is the pen of a ready writer”.
“...Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. Proverb 18:21
It’s interesting, that you are right now thinking that you know this and, yet a voice is quietly speaking inside your head reminding you that this is something you should be remembering with every word you speak, but perhaps you haven’t been thoughtful to guard your tongue. Oh! that little member that so easily besets us!
Maybe that is why certain situations have not changed or that certain situations have happened that were unhealthy, unhappy, or even hurtful to others. But also, that thoughts and words were the reason for very happy and positive outcomes in life either now or in the past.
Words.... we don’t even have to speak them. The mind speaks them for us and we can hear them all day every day as we go about our daily living. So, in essence and in fact, thoughts-symbols-letters-words are the powerful rudders that guide our mind as we navigate the waters of life.
What are you thinking and speaking today, this minute, this instant?
Words© 2019
~Margie Owens Phillips - LifePrisms 2019
Margie Phillips
Margie is a prolific writer and poet in an eternal love affair with the Divine. Her work, both inspired and powerful , is inclusive of all and often the reader can experience the deep personal fire of Divine Love flickering deep within their own soul.
The purpose of her writings is to entreat the virtues of Hope, inspiration and thoughtfulness while providing a channel of Love for healing of soul, mind and body.
In 1976 she had a life change of infinite proportions. You can learn of her gripping story of change, healing and instant spiritual transformation here.