
Welcome to LifePrisms

The Spectrums Within

On December 15, 1976 at 1:15 in the afternoon after a lifetime of sorrow, three near death experiences, a failed marriage, alcohol abuse, and heaped in utter despair and attempted suicide, my life miraculously changed to Life and I’ve never returned from that state of Being. Over the 43 years since, living has been joyous and amazingly fulfilling, but certainly not without what seemed to be never ending challenges, painful lessons, sorrows of the heart that seemed insurmountable, loss of love, friendships and family..... but never, ever have I been grieved over the Life I have lived. It has simply been beyond what anyone could ever imagine and, certainly beyond and better than anything I could have dreamed to create for myself.

My soul seems to be eternally in a state of pure Joy and in a dance of Love with God. Grace Abounds and His Goodness endures forever.

Over these many years, I have encountered countless individuals with whom I have laughed, cried, counseled, helped and just plain enjoyed. But not one of them was more blessed than I to have experienced the opportunity and time with them. It’s been a ‘blast’ as they say.

For most of my life, and certainly during these years of experiencing all the emotions and events that living seems to present, I have had the great drive to put thoughts and ideas in words — to write in just about every genre of literature-- prose, poetry, etc. Some of these writings don’t seem to fall into any particular category or even fit a category; I just write as it feels right and let it flow. In so doing, I have volumes of work that never seemed to go anywhere or do anything except fulfill the moments in which they were written and I suppose they, then, did their intended job.

Now, at the age of 72, I hear the echo of the Voice of these volumes speaking louder and louder to be shared with that someone who may receive some bit of insight and inspiration to provoke a deeper thought, vision or idea and to possibly inspire the heart to reach a deeper knowing and a higher, stronger symphony. So, a while back I decided to create a blog site to begin placing some of the poems, prose, thoughts, etc. for others to read and enjoy as they wish. It’s a new endeavor and not complete and as a work in progress, there are still lots of posts ready to be published and many still to be written.

It is my deep hope you will enjoy the pages on this site and receive goodness from your time spent here and you will leave comments or thoughts in the comment section after each post. These writings may or may not call to you, and you may not even like what’s here and that’s certainly all good....and I thank you for taking the time to visit the pages. If you do like the site and you have work of your own that fits the tone of LifePrisms, I’d be happy to hear from you to discuss posting some of your own work from the heart.

I am excited to share the Love with you. I’ll see you along the road we all travel.....


Margie Owens Phillips

LifePrisms 2019

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The journey to Life Prisms

Coming Soon!

To be presented in chapter form, the many years of a challenging and heart transforming journey will be opened. I look forward to sharing it with you.


The Daily Spectrum