

Today --  what you hope to be and where you want to be you already are, you just don’t recognize your surroundings.  What you are seeking to be is hovering over you and around you right this instant, waiting for you to realize it already is your spark, quark and eternity

“When your heart realizes it is in bed with your soul, creation occurs.”  ~Margie

Margie Phillips,


Margie Phillips

Margie is a prolific writer and poet in an eternal love affair with the Divine.   Her work, both  inspired and  powerful , is inclusive of all and often the reader can experience the deep personal fire of Divine Love flickering deep within their own soul.

The purpose of her writings is to entreat the virtues of Hope, inspiration and thoughtfulness while providing a channel of Love for healing of soul, mind and body.

In 1976 she had a life change of infinite proportions. You can learn of her gripping story of change, healing and instant spiritual transformation here.