The Gift


“She comes through the darkness in a shimmer of Light

With the Heavens as Her trail;

She replaces sadness with glad expectations and

Nudges us forward toward tomorrows everlasting;

Her brilliant eyes twinkle behind Her Godly smile as

Her comforting touch molds our weariness into

Our unthinkable Joy.

 She is angels and butterflies, springtime and flowers;

She is our promise of life and creation;

She is Peace;

She is in the storm and She is in the quiet breeze.

 She is the fragrance of a lily,

The song of a running brook;

She is the voice that calls from afar and beckons us near;

She speaks to us in words that only we can perceive.

 She is our friend and companion, and

She never leaves us unless, woefully,

We bid Her go.

She, alongside the Master, carries us on a journey never ending

To a future unknown, but yet, joyfully sought.

 She is ours alone to cherish and to hold.

She is a help in life and yes, She is even in death;

We are bound to Her by an invisible cord,

One that no other can comprehend.

She is with us always;

She is a Gift,

For She is Hope” 

                   Margie Owens Phillips,                         

                   The Gift © 1992

                   © Life Prisms 2018